Official bodies are posing a great attention toward the achievement of the holistic investigation of pesticides risk assessment. This implies a reliable assessment of the risk associated to pesticides use, in order to reduce their impact on the total environment. Focusing only on source (including dose) reduction would be rather limitant if the goal is to ameliorate the agriculture footprint. It is now accepted that simply decreasing the amounts of pesticides applied onto crops is not necessarily connected to a decrease in the risk to non-target species and water bodies supply. In fact, a reliable and accurate risk assessment must take into account environmental factors together with the specific pesticide chemical properties. In this framework, it is noteworthy to notice that EC has adopted the Commission Directive 2019/782 establishing Harmonised Risk Indicators to estimate trends in the risks from pesticide use.
Consequently, this session focuses on risks and advantages in risk assessment including the use of models and integrated practices, spatial scale and multi-stress situations, as well as the connection to international policies.
Session Chairs
Colin Brown (University of York, UK) Session I
Lucrezia Lamastra (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy) Session I
Uta Ulrich (Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Germany) Session II
Herbert Resseler (Syngenta Agro Gmbh, Germany) Session II
Program: September 4 – 8:30 – 10:30, 11:00 – 13:15
Oral Presentations – Session I
195 – “FOCUS Surface Water Repair: After the Repair is before the Repair?” – Dieter Schaefer, Bayer AG (Deutschland)
198 – “Mitigation measures effectiveness evaluation: Long-term surface water monitoring of pesticides in an agricultural catchment in Belgium” – Gisela Quaglia, VITO (Belgium)
201 – “Do the repaired FOCUS surface water scenarios result in robust exposure concentrations for the aquatic and sediment risk assessment?” – Pauline Adriaanse, Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands)
212 – “Spatially distributed groundwater modelling using LUCAS-topsoil data” – Tim Häring, BASF SE (Deutschland)
250 – “Evaluation of pesticide monitoring data for planning risk mitigation actions on the territory: the case of Po valley plain” – Andrea Di Guardo, University of Bicocca (Italy)
223 – “A novel hydrological model to support landscape-scale aquatic risk assessment” – Sebastian Multsch, Knoell (Deutschland)
Oral Presentations – Session II
213 – “Integrated assessment of plant uptake of TFA by inverse modelling of a long-term semi-field study with two soils and winter wheat” – Klaus Hammel, Bayer AG (Deutschland)
247 – “Non professional uses – a new risk assessment approach” – Luca Menaballi, ICPS (Italy)
238 – “An integrated policy approach to facilitate the implementation of IPM” – Aaldrik Tiktak, PBL (The Netherlands)
220 – “Proposal for a Harmonised Framework for Spatially Distributed Modelling for Pesticide Registration in Europe” – Bernhard Jene, BASF SE (Deutschland)
235 – “Recent improvements in the definition and identification of error models for chemical degradation data” – Johannes Ranke, Scientific consultant (Deutschland)
277 – ” Effectiveness of Vegetative Filter Strips for Pesticides Mitigation: Mechanistic Analysis with VFSMOD” – Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, University of Florida (USA)
Poster Presentations
271 – “Water drainage evaluation in hilly vineyards for groundwater aquifer characterisation and its contamination risk by pesticides” – Elisabetta Russo, ARPAE (Italy)
197 – “Towards the derivation of realistic dilution factors for drinking water abstraction combining GIS analysis and landscape level modelling” – Sebastian Gebler, BASF SE (Germany)
200 – “Aquatic risk assessment at landscape scale – conceptual framework and an application example”– Wim Beltman, Wageningen Environmental Research (The Netherlands)
214 – “Running large scale spatially distributed process-based models for groundwater risk assessment: computational demands and practicable infrastructure solutions”– Benedict Miles, BASF SE (Germany)
216 – “Timing is everything: The relationship between rain patterns and application timing in the context of the FOCUS Surface Water repair action”– Lucas García, BASF SE (Germany)
221 – “Automatic irrigation concept as implemented in PRZM to align with the FOCUSsw procedure”– Stephan Sittig, Knoell Germany GmbH (Germany)
228 – “Evaluation of a methodology for estimating water contamination risk in tropical volcanic context” – Pauline Campan, Montpellier Supagro/INRA (France)
229 – “The Greenhouse Emission Model: fate process description developments for soilless cultivation”– Maarten Braakhekke, Wageningen Environmental Research (The Netherlands)
254 – “Pesticide use data for environmental exposure and risk assessment”– Krisztian Szegedi, BASF SE (Germany)
259 – “National ground water monitoring as higher tier assessment for pesticides and their metabolites”– Camilla Zighetti, AEIFORIA S.r.l. (Italy)
5 – “Rice Cultivation and environmental exposure modelling in Asia/China” – Jing Ma BASF (China) Ltd (China)
241 – “An easy to use indicator for pesticide risk management and mitigation at farm level”– Andrea Di Guardo, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
273 – “PEC calculation for non-professional uses: a new approach”– Sonia Ullucci, ICPS (Italy)
382 – “Efficiency of a pilot stormwater pond for reducing pesticide concentrations from surface water”– Sylvie Dousset, Université de Lorraine/CNRS (France)